The Passé Composé in French (with auxiliary être)
The passé composé is a compound past tense used in French to express actions that have been completed in the past. It is formed using an auxiliary verb (either “avoir” or “être”) and the past participle of the main verb. We have looked at the formation of passé composé with auxiliary avoir in our previous post.
Passe Compose with Auxiliary Être
Let us look at conjugating the verbs with auxiallry être now which has a little more nuance. For verbs that use auxiliary être, the past participle has to agree in gender and number with the subject of the sentence. Let us understand what that means wth some examples.
Subject Pronoun +Auxiliary in Present Tense+Past Participle(e)(s)
Subject | Auxiliary | Arriver | Venir | Naître | Sortir |
Je/J’ | suis | arrivé(e) | venu(e) | né(e) | sorti(e) |
Tu | es | arrivé(e) | venu(e) | né(e) | sorti(e) |
Il/Elle/On | est | arrivé(e) | venu(e) | né(e) | sorti(e) |
Nous | sommes | arrivé(e)s | venu(e)s | né(e)s | sorti(e)s |
Vous | êtes | arrivé(e)(s) | venu(e)s | né(e)s | sorti(e)s |
Ils/Elles | sont | arrivé(e)s | venu(e)s | né(e)s | sorti(e)s |
It is usually explained that verbs of movement use auxiliary Être in passé composé. It would probably be more appropriate to say that verbs of displacement or which show that someone has moved from one place to another use auxiliary etre.
Verbs such as danser, sauter, courir, marcher, etc also show movement but use the auxiliary “avoir”.These verbs represent the movement but not necessarily a displacement from one place to another but rather an action that involves movement. Hence it seems more appropriate to say verbs that show displacement used with auxiliary etre.
- Je suis allé à l’école (shows the displacement from home to school)
- Il est arrivé hier. (There is no destination here but the it shows that he arrived at the destination)
- Il est parti. (He has left a specific place to go to another)
- Je suis né/ Il est mort (Being born into the world and going away)
The above image called the maison d’etre is commonly used to memorize the verbs with auxiliary etre. It implies that everything that is happening in the house is to be used with auxiliary etre. Rester which means to stay seems like an exception going by the logic of displacement because we’re not going anywhere, in fact it is just the opposite that we stay where we are! But by the concept of house verbs we stay in the house so it makes sense.
Verbs like “courir”, “marcher” do not not belong to this group of verbs because these verbs indicate the way we do something and not where we are going in terms of the destination.
There are always exceptions to rules and you can choose to remember the way that is convenient to you.
There is an acronym that is also commonly used to memorize which verbs take être or avoir. It is DR & MRS VANDERTRAMP. Each letter stands for a verb that is used with auxiliary etre:
- Devenir
- Revenir
- &
- Monter
- Rester
- Sortir
- &
- Venir
- Aller
- Naître
- Descendre
- Entrer
- Rentrer
- Tomber
- Retourner
- Arriver
- Mourir
- Partir et Passer
These mnemotechnic methods listed above are useful for an exam, but it is only practice that will help you when you speak.
Reflexive Verbs
All reflexive verbs also use “être” as auxiliary. The second pronoun is placed before the auxiliary.
Subject Pronoun +Personal pronoun+Auxiliary in Present Tense+Past Participle
Je me lave (se laver) – I wash myself
Je me suis lavé – I washed myself.
Elle se promène (se promener) – She walks
Elle s’est promenée – She walked
Nous nous rappelons – We remember
Nous nous sommes rappelés – We remembered
Interrogation in Passe Compose
Formation in Inversion
Auxiliary in Present Tense+Subject Pronoun +Past Participle
Parlez-vous français? – Do you speak french?
Avez-vous parlé français? – Have you spoken french?
Tu parles avec Mark le weekend ? – Do you speak to Mark on weekends?
As-tu parlé avec Mark ce weekend ? – Have you spoken to Mark this weekend?
Regardes-tu le match de foot? – Do you watch the football match?
As-tu regardé le match de foot? – Did you watch the football match?
Les enfants, finissent leurs devoirs? – Do the children finish their homework?
Les enfants, ils ont fini leurs devoirs? – The children, have they finished their homework?
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the passé composé using the auxiliary “être” and the past participle.
- Hier, nous ________________________(aller) au cinéma.
- Hier soir, elle __________________(partir) pour les États-Unis.
- Le weekend dernier, Je _________________ (rester) chez mes amis.
- Vous _________________________(arriver) à l’heure pour le spectacle?
- Elles ______________________(naître) en Inde.
- La princesse Diana ______________(mourir) dans un tragique accident de voiture le 31 août.
- Hier, vous ______________________ (arriver) à quelle heure du Japon?
- Il __________(revenir) du concert très tard hier
- Elles _____________(descendre) très vite par l’ascenseur
- Il _____________(tomber) à la gare et il _______________________(s’casser) sa jambe.
- Elle ___________(aller) au musée à pied.
- Elles _______________(se réveiller) très tard hier.
- Nous ____________________(se lever) à 7 h tous les jours la semaine dernière.
- Ils _________________________ (se marier) l’année dernière au Danemark.
Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.
- Je suis allé au marché.
- Elle est arrivée à l’heure.
- Nous nous sommes levés tôt.
- Vous êtes partis en vacances.
- Ils sont tombés en skiant.
- Tu t’es réveillé à 6h ?
Rewrite the questions using inversion.
- Tu es allé au cinéma ?
- Il est arrivé à quelle heure ?
- Elle est partie en vacances ?
- Vous êtes venus ensemble ?
- Ils sont nés en France ?
- Elles se sont maquillées ce matin ?