Adjectives in French – Les Adjectifs
An adjective is a word that describes a noun in some way, such as its size, colour, shape, character etc. It tells us more about the noun.
English and French adjectives differ significantly in two ways:
1. Different forms of an Adjective
As we have learnt french nouns have gender and as adjectives modify or describe the nouns they have to change to agree in gender and number with the nouns that they modify. Thus we may have up to four forms of each adjective.
Let’s take an example to understand this – adjective: joli (pretty)
Masculine singular: joli | Un joli papillon(m)- a pretty butterfly |
Feminine singular: jolie | Une jolie fille – A pretty girl |
Masculine plural: jolis | Des jolis papillons – Some pretty butterflies |
Feminine plural: jolies | Des jolies filles – Some pretty girls |
2. Placement of Adjectives
Adjectives are always positioned in front of nouns in English, in French they are typically found after the nouns.
- un livre vert – green book
- un professeur intelligent – smart teacher
- une table ronde – round table
- un livre noir – black book
- une femme américaine – American woman
The majority of adjectives come after the word they modify. These descriptors include those that define things like personality and mood as well as shape, colour, taste, nationality etc
However, there are exceptions to this rule and most descriptive adjectives are placed before the noun they modify.
- Une jolie fille
- Un grand garçon
- Une belle maison
- Un vieil homme
- Un petit verre
Some of the commonly used adjectives that appear before the noun are:
Appearance: beau (handsome), belle(beautiful),joli (pretty)
Age: jeune (young), vieux (old), nouveau (new),
Character: bon (good), meilleur (better), mauvais (bad), gentil (kind)
Size: petit (small), haut (high), gros (fat)
All adjectives must agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. Most adjectives are given in the masculine form, so to change to the féminine form, follow these rules:
Rules to change adjectives from masculine to féminine | masculine | féminine | |
1 | Add -e | grand | grande |
2 | If it already ends in -e, add nothing | jeune | jeune |
3 | -eux and –eur changes to -euse | heureux | heureuse |
4 | -et changes to -ète | inquiet | inquiète |
5 | -en changes to -enne | indien | indienne |
6 | -on changes to -onne | bon | bonne |
7 | -er changes to -ère | cher | chère |
8 | -f changes to -ve | sportif | sportive |
9 | -c changes to -che | blanc | blanche |
10 | -g changes to -gue | long | longue |
11 | -oux changes to -ouse | jaloux | jalouse |
List of common Adjectives
Singular | Plural | |||
Adjective | Masculine | Féminine | Masc.Pl | Fem.Pl |
Big/tall | grand | grande | grands | grandes |
Small/short | petit | petite | petits | petites |
good | bon | bonne | bons | bonnes |
bad | mauvais | mauvaise | mauvais | mauvaises |
pretty | joli | jolie | jolis | jolies |
ugly | laid | laide | laids | laides |
fat | gros | grosse | gros | grosses |
thin | mince | mince | minces | minces |
long | long | longue | longs | longues |
short | court | courte | courts | courtes |
low | bas | basse | bas | basses |
wide | large | large | larges | larges |
narrow | étroit | étroite | étroits | étroites |
cute | mignon | mignonne | mignons | mignonnes |
naughty | méchant | méchante | méchants | méchantes |
kind | gentil | gentille | gentils | gentilles |
nice | sympathique | sympathique | sympathiques | sympathiques |
rude | impoli | impolie | impolis | impolies |
intelligent | intelligent | intelligente | intelligents | intelligentes |
stupid | bête | bête | bêtes | bêtes |
funny | amusant | amusante | amusants | amusantes |
thick | épais | épaisse | épais | épaisses |
Download the complete list of adjectives
From Parisian Patisserie
French patisserie, or pastry, is renowned worldwide for its exquisite craftsmanship and delectable creations. It represents a rich and vibrant culinary tradition deeply ingrained in French culture. From the iconic croissant to the delicate macaron, French patisseries offer a wide array of mouthwatering delights. These pastries are meticulously crafted with precision and attention to detail, resulting in both visual and gastronomic masterpieces.

Whether it’s the flaky layers of a mille-feuille, the buttery richness of a pain au chocolat, or the light and airy texture of an éclair, each pastry embodies a perfect balance of flavors and textures. The patisseries themselves are works of art, with their gleaming glass displays showcasing rows of colorful tarts, éclairs, and fruit-filled delights. Stepping into a French patisserie is like entering a world of sweet indulgence and culinary perfection, where every bite is an experience to savor.
Write the correct form of the adjective in the blank.
- John est très sportif. Sa sœur Sara n’est pas ______________.
- Ce livre est lourd. Ces étagères sont _____________.
- Ce bureau est bas. Cette table est ____________.
- Cette tour est haute. Ce bâtiment est __________ .
- Cette boîte est petite. Ce jardin est __________ .
- Cette fleur est belle. Cet arbre est __________ .
- Cette voiture est vieille. Ce pont est __________.
- Ce quartier est nouveau. Cette maison est __________ .
- Ce vin est bon. Cette soupe est __________ .
- Ce voisin est sympathique. Cette voisine est __________.
- Ce garçon est intelligent. Cette fille est __________.
- Ce livre est mon favori. Cette série est sa __________.
Translate to French:
- A white house –
- A wide road –
- Black cats –
- An american girl-
- A fat cow –
- A tall building –
- Narrow roads –
- A short skirt –
- A long dress –
- Long hair –
- A cute dog –
- A kind lady –
- Young boys –
- Naughty children –
- A delicious meal –
Exceptions to the Above Rules
3. Position of Certain Adjectives
Some adjectives can appear before or after a noun. The meaning of some adjectives changes depending on where they are placed.
Adjective | Meaning if Before | Meaning if After | Examples |
ancien/ancienne | former/ex | old | Un ancien président – An ex président Une école ancienne- A old school |
cher/chère | dear | expensive | Un cher ami- A dear friend Une voiture chère- An expensive car |
propre | own | clean | Ma propre chambre-My own room Une chambre propre- A clean room |
vrai/vraie | real/actual | true | Un vrai serpent – A real snake Une personne vraie – A true person |
4. Irregular French adjectives
Many French adjectives have distinct feminine and plural forms, as well as a unique form when they are used in front of a masculine noun that starts with a vowel or a mute H. Examples include:
- un bel homme – a handsome man
- des beaux hommes – some handsome men
- un vieil ami – an old friend
- une vieille amie(f) – an old friend
Singular | Plural | ||||
Adjective | masc | vowel/H | fem | masc | fem |
beautiful | beau | bel | belle | beaux | belles |
new | nouveau | nouvel | nouvelle | nouveaux | nouvelles |
crazy | fou | fol | folle | fous | folles |
soft | mou | mol | molle | mous | molles |
old | vieux | vieil | vieille | vieux | vieilles |